A drone flies in the nature

Digital Platform for Unmanned Aviation

Applications in the specific category

Applications in the specfic category must generally be submitted to the state aviation authorities of the corresponding federal states. However, some states have transferred responsibility to the Federal Aviation Office (LBA). Information on the application process is presented below, divided by LBA and state aviation authority.

The following federal states have transferred responsibility to the LBA: Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia. The remaining federal states are handled by their own state aviation authorities.

Coordination with airspace users

For individual UAS-operations in the specific category (e.g. BVLOS), it is possible to coordinate these operations with other airspace users without obligation. The following contact options are available for this purpose:

For commercial helicopter operations, authorised heliports and helicopter landing sites at hospitals:
via the German Helicopter Association (DHV)
E-mail: drohnen@dhv-org.de
Telephone: +49800 148 0580

For air sports (gliding, paragliding and hang gliding, model flying, ultralight flying, ballooning, parachuting):
via the Luftsportverband Deutschland e.V. (LUVD)
E-mail: uas-support@luvd.aero

via the German Aero Club e.V. (DAeC)
E-mail: m.morr@daec.de